Serving our customers starts on day one as part of our on-boarding process – we listen, understand, and respond to our customers’ needs. Ultimately we are here to make the process of registering an aircraft as quick and easy as possible for our customers, while maintaining the highest standards of regulations, professional service and courtesy.
Putting you at the centre of everything we do
These nine words are more than just a campaign slogan, they define our business philosophy.
Ready to register or have questions about the process?
Get in TouchA Company Committed to You
Our industry remains a people business.
At the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority, we are real people and we treat our customers like real people too.
Featured Team Members
Our recent Bermuda Aircraft Registry advertising campaign features members of our team doing what they love to do outside of the office. From mountain biking to birdwatching, our diverse team of highly qualified and motivated individuals apply their natural talents and skills to their everyday business function within the organization.
Connect with the entire BCAA team